College Groups

Connect with Christian Professionals in Your College

Search a private group for Christian professionals associated with your college.

Learn more about the Christian professionals who attended your college.

Discover ways to connect, communicate, and collaborate with each other.

Any member of Marketplace Ambassadors may request to have a private online group created for members of their college to join. Simply submit a Private Group Request Form.


Begin now to build greater community among the Christian professionals in yours college.

Participating college members benefit by being able to …

  • Create a professional and secure member profile
  • Connect with group members in a variety of ways
  • Communicate with group members in various ways
  • Examine the professional profiles of group members
  • Expand their network of trusted professionals
  • Join Regional, Industry, and Professional groups
  • Search for group members using various criteria

Participating colleges & universities benefit because these groups …

  • Communicate a sense of value and recognition of its collegiate professionals.
  • Communicate that the college genuinely cares about its marketplace professionals.
  • Delegate the membership criteria and vetting responsibility to a trusted third party.
  • Eliminate any legal ramifications that might exist in a university-sponsored group.
  • Empower college/alumni leaders to reach new audiences and to attract new students.
  • Enable staff members to remain informed of the professional lives of their alumni.
  • Enhance the college/alumni community experience from a professional’s perspective.

What we offer to colleges and their members:

Marketplace Ambassadors will create a private online group unique to your college and its students, alumni, and personnel. We will also train one group member to function as the Group Ambassador who, in return, will receive a FREE Associate, Business, or Premium Membership. There are NO fees or responsibilities required of a college and its leadership, and there are NO fees required of students, alumni, and personnel to join a group. The only requirement to join a college group is to become an official member of Marketplace Ambassadors and membership is FREE!